Monday 9 July 2012

Restore Balance & Harmony with a Reiki Treatment !

Hi, my name is Fion and I am a fully qualified and insured Reiki Master under the Usui system. Reiki is a Japanese form of hands-on stress reduction and relaxation therapy that also promotes healing. It is based on the principle that we all have energy flowing through our bodies which sometimes becomes stuck or damaged. These blockages can be caused by physical illness, negative thinking or difficult experiences. Reiki aims to remove these blockages and to restore a healthy flow of energy. Some of the benefits of Reiki include: Anyone can benefit from a Reiki treatment and is an appropriate treatment for all ages from infancy to the elderly, no matter the state of your health. Reiki benefits may help with: • Inducing deep relaxation and calm for the benefit of wellness • Strengthening the immune system, • Effective in relieving pain, • Helping with to reduce anxiety and stress, amplifying vitality, • Accelerating physical healing, • Complimenting traditional medical treatments • Revitalising body, mind and spirit. • Balancing energy by helping to release blockages • Reactivating the body’s natural ability to heal itself • Promoting a sense of well-being Reiki in Healthcare: Reiki is being used in a number of medical settings, including parts of the NHS. Reiki compliments medical treatments, natural therapies and massage therapy. Contact / Book an Appointment: If you would like more information or to schedule a revitalizing treatment, please contact me via the Gumtree online contact service. Investment: 25.00 for a 1 hour treatment STRICTLY PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Restoring Balance and Harmony Fion - Reiki Master Fi-Nix Therapies


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